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Enterprise Client Feeds

Sea Island Software offers three ready-made data solutions for enterprises that wish to incorporate HurricaneMapping's live storm tracking layers into their own server applications:

Shapefile - Check specific map layers from HurricaneMapping's shapefile advisory datasets into an ArcGIS Server, ArcIMS, or other map server application.

KML - Publish HurricaneMapping's ActiveStorms.kml file and KMZ advisory datasets as a 'Layer' within your organization's Google Earth Enterprise Server.

XML - Utilize HurricaneMapping's raw data for your custom application.

Data Access

HurricaneMapping enterprise clients are provided with their own private directories hosted at Clients can log in to their directories at any time to download the latest files. In addition to the storm tracking data, a small status.txt file is maintained in the client directory so that scripts may be used to poll for and retrieve the very latest information on active storms.

HurricaneMapping's Windows Service

This utility is available to licensees who wish to automate downloads of data to their servers without needing to write their own scripts to handle the task. Following a simple setup of client login information and desired polling interval, this Windows service will operate without any additional intervention.

Click here to download the HurricaneMapping Service installation file (634KB - Updated September 7, 2011)

Setup Instructions

Once installed, the HurricaneMapping Service must be configured to poll the correct directory at From the Start Menu, choose All Programs > Sea Island Software > HurricaneMapping Service. Click through the three screens, entering login information, subscription type(s), and polling interval preferences.

**PLEASE NOTE: The HurricaneMapping Windows Service will only operate with an active client account.

HurricaneMapping's enterprise licensing is easy and affordable with datafeeds tailored specifically to your application. Here are some of the types of information we'll need to know in order to get started:

  1. File format - Shapefile, KML, or XML?
  2. Data layers desired (forecast track, wind swath, error swath, etc...)
  3. Worldwide storm tracking or select basins? Choose from the Atlantic, East Pacific, Central Pacific, West Pacific/Indian Ocean, and South Pacific/Indian Ocean.
  4. A description of your application and the number of users who will be accessing the licensed data.


To receive a quote on enterprise license pricing for your application, please contact Karen Townsend at (888)840-4089, ext.105 or